Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Thank you to Steve Fehl at PPWFC for the title of tonight’s post.

WAN or LAN? All the IT guys out there first think of these two acronyms when you talk to them about networking.  WAN stands for Wide Area Network and LAN, Local Area Network.  In my job search I work on both my WAN and my LAN. Lets start by talking a little about the later.


Wait a minute Bailey, I’m not here to learn about computers and such!

Not computer networks. Go back two post an re-familiarize yourself with networking as it pertains a job search.

My LAN is comprised of people that I know and know me. These are people that I can approach in a “social” situation. The people I have “face time” with on a regular basis. These are the people that I can comfortably ask for a referral into a company or for a reference as needed. They can also be former co-workers, supervisors or past employers. The main thing is that they are first or second level contacts. These are people that know me well.

My WAN is comprised of business contacts, former customers, and people I have come in contact with in many different aspects of my search or life. Everyone I meet and have the opportunity to get contact information from becomes a part of my WAN. Do not be afraid to ask someone for their business card, everyone you meet is a potential position or referral. My WAN is also comprised of contacts I have made through the many social networking sites on the internet. Remember theses sites are a gold mine for job seekers. Where else can you come in contact with thousands of people who are potential employers or referrals.

Networking, networking, networking! I cannot stress this enough, networking is the singular most important skill you can have as a job seeker. If you can’t get out there and talk to people, you have already lost ground to those who can. If you don’t know how to talk to people,find a networking group somewhere near you and join it. They will help to bring you out of your shell.

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