Monday, January 12, 2009

The Search Begins…

The economy is getting worse; more layoffs to come; corporate shut-downs are inevitable and I’m looking for a position where I can help a company expand or develop their customer service, sales, or technical support organization. Am I an optimist or crazy? My business folded, another victim of the poor economy and imploding housing market. I have excellent business knowledge but horrible timing. Such is life. So tonight I begin the journey of the job seeker. I invite you to come along as I search. During the next few weeks I will be posting the methods, websites, and tricks of the trade that I use to try and find a position (and maybe a little advise). Looking for a job is the same now as it was years ago, the only difference now is that you have to be prepared to go at it a little longer. So polish up the resume, get comfortable in your chair, hold on, here we go………

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