Monday, January 12, 2009

How to Begin…

Beginning a job search is never easy. Most people have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they are now embarking on one of the hardest journeys that they could ever take. So let’s get a few things out in the open from the start: first, you are now in an elite group of people who are unemployed; second, you have a new job – finding a new position or career; and third, job hunting is a FULL TIME JOB! Realize these three things now, because the sooner you realize them, the sooner you can get down to business.


What do I do now?

You need a workspace. Set up an office where you can go to “work”. You will need internet access, a phone, and a fax. This should also be a place where you can work with as few distractions as possible. Remember, this is a job, treat it as such.

I have my office set up, what’s next?

Now it is time to get down to business.

Yea! Who do I call to get a job?

Whoa! Slow down. Slow way down. If were that easy we would all be employed tomorrow.

Let’s start by hitting the job boards. Take a browse through and Don’t put in a search phrase, just a zip code or city and state. Go through these ads, spend time on this step, it is very important. Read the job descriptions for the listed positions. Don’t just read the ones that have titles that are interesting to you, read many different ones. This gives you insight into the minds of the hiring managers. What are they looking for and how can you get their attention. This is a very important step. Tomorrow I will explain how to use this information.

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