Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Not to Blow an Interview…

Well I guess I umm, well I did some stuff for this guy at ABC Technical for a while, mostly the same stuff the other network guys did…

I think I would hirer this guy right then and there. He is exactly what I need IF I am opening a new government office. All joking aside, after three initial interviews this week I am reminded of the importance a first impression has. Walk in with confidence, not over-confidence. Be polite but not too polite. Answer the interviewer’s question and back your answer with experience. Always have a good handle on what you know, what is on your resume, and how you have handled situations in the past. I find that when you have a interview coming up, it is best to sit down and write out as many questions as I can think of that an interviewer might ask. Then I write out the answers to those questions. Then I rehearse those answers until I can recite them in my sleep. I realize that the interviewer is not going to have MY questions in front of him, however, if I know my job well enough I should be able to guess at least 30% dead-on, get close on 30%, and should be in the ballpark on the last 30%. So with the answers I have rehearsed I should be able to sound like I am what I am, an expert in my field. This way also I don’t stutter or umm to much and it shows that I am in command of my knowledge, background, and experience.

Just remember that this is sales! (I know, I know, ma he said the s#@$% word again.) Sales, marketing, networking, sales… this is what we do as job seekers. Any successful sales person will tell you that knowing their product (your background, skills and experience), understanding the needs of the customer ( job requirements, skills sets, company background), and how their product will benefit the customer (do I need to explain this one?), along with their own confidence in themselves and their product is better than 2/3 of closing the sale. So practice, understand your product and go sale it!

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