Friday, January 16, 2009

Jumpstart your resume.

I have one, you have one, anyone who has ever held a professional position has one, and we all hate them, right?  Wrong, while most people are never satisfied with their resume, I truly like mine.  But, I’ve spent 7 years and many dollars developing a resume that not only represents me extremely well, it also serves me well. What do I mean, serves? My resume is designed to be parsed by a database and/or search engine and feed back exactly the results that I want. I worked for a search engine and datamining company as the Professional Services Manager for several years. In that capacity I learned how to optimize websites, documents, and data for searchability. When I post my resume to Dice, Monster, Career Builder, etc… I have the utmost confidence that when a hiring manager or recruiter searches for someone with my experience or background, my resume is going to come up in the top group.

Don’t let anyone tell you that your resume has to be a certain font size or number of pages. Font size doesn’t matter, nor does the number of pages.  Write as many pages as you need to properly cover your background and experience properly. I would suggest that you try to keep it under two pages, but it not a necessity. Topics you need to cover would be your objective, background, expertise, and experience. Be clear and concise in your descriptions and keynotes. You should put in as much of your background as you can, but the past 7 years or 3-4 jobs is all you need. Use a format that is comfortable to you.

Overall remember one thing, keep it simple stupid.

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