Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tonight’s Post Brought to You by…

Today I met with a fellow jobseeker. We met to discuss his job search, my job search, and both our various ventures and adventures that we have encountered along the way. He is working on several really good projects to pay the bills, but is still working out the kinks on how to market them. So we started talking about various online marketing methods such as viral and social marketing, and how they apply to our businesses and our job searches. I spend many hours a day online in many capacities, job seeker, research fellow, consultant, and so on. I also spend many hours keeping my online presence and branding up to date. But how can I explain how I use social networking to market my business or find a job?

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, off to the net I go… As with anything I write or do, I start with research. So as I was researching the information I needed for this post, I found that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. Yeah, I understand how to develop connections and grow my network. I can tell you how to use your profile to let people know about your background and that you are seeking a position. But I found a couple of blog articles that I think can really help jobseekers using social networking for the first time. They can also help those of you who are marketing a business as well, after all job seeking is all sales and marketing, right?

First is a post by Dave Taylor:


Dave’s post is very informative. For those of you that have read any of Dave’s books, you will be familiar with the writing style. Easy to read, loads of really good information.

Second are two posts from Guy Kawasaki:


No, really, they are two different posts. Some of you may remember Guy from the old days at Apple. He was a Macintosh Evangelist back at the start (before they took over half of Cupertino). I mention this because his posts vaguely reminiscent of those days, short, informative, and have a wonderful underlying sense of humor that make them very easy to read.

Guy, Dave, thanks for the great posts. Feel free to send me and invitation, I’m just up the hill from Dave in CO.

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